Friday, March 06, 2009

3/6/09: Day 132: Sea Day

Here’s how long it’s been since I’ve written anything…it took me about 4 tries to type “Sea Day” in the title (and two tries to type it right there).

Our shows went over well. We didn’t get a chance to rehearse it fully with costumes and lights until the day of the shows, so considering that we did awesome. This show seems more free flowing without the dream songs. The dream songs were impressive, but also very technical in many aspects that aren’t in our current show. I can’t wait to do our show again.

We also did our first improv set. This time around is different than usual because we don’t have the luxury of all having worked together in Maine in a short form environment. Three of us have worked together before and the other two have focused more on longform in their careers so there are the minor kinks of remembering a game they’ve played before. I am in charge of the improv running orders this week and have been going over them in rehearsals. We’ve had rehearsals of one sort or another every day…right in the middle of gym time. So, I have probably lost 12 pounds knowing my metabolism.

Deanna and I have been living in a crew cabin on deck 4. I’m adjusting, but this place has many flaws. I’m sure our last room had many flaws that we were just used to as well. Our current room doesn’t have heat, just AC. I don’t think any of them have heat. We can go from room temperature to colder-than-room-temperature, but not warmer. This is only problematic on New York day when the door to the outside world (on our deck) is open all day for loading and unloading luggage. This was never mentioned to us by Jen and Larrance…probably because they are made of ice and get heat strokes when the temp reaches 68 (burn!).

Another thing that was never mentioned…because they probably always had the AC on…is that if you shut the AC off it doesn’t make it all the way off. The cold stops, but there is a very high pitched just loud enough to be annoying whistle. I can hear it very well. Deanna can only hear it in certain places in the room. It doesn’t bother me during the day, but I can’t sleep with it. So I turn the AC off during the day and turn the AC up to “noise stops” level for bed. I’m sure this will be less of a problem once we’re in warmer weather.

All we have been able to do this week is get off in Nassau. The producer and director wanted to see Atlantis and we all headed over there. This was the night after our day of rehearsals and shows. I felt kind of bad because I was beat…as was everybody…and it kind of seemed like they were looking for us to show them around the city. If you’ve read my other Nassau blogs you know I have been to Atlantis and the cyber café. Deanna and I kind of sent them on their way to explore.

Today we will have a work shop and our final improv show. Next week will be back to more normal stuff.

1 comment:

Jen & Larrance on a Ship said...

It must suck to be made of wimpy firestarter logs that only like it hot. OOOOHHHHH, ICE BURN!

P.S. I am made of ice. Do you have any brick?