Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hillary Clinton = Darren Tyacke

Ok. So, you may not know who Darren Tyacke is but this may make sense in the end.

I was just checking the math on the delegates needed and such. As it stands...according to the CNN delegate calculator...Obama needs 42 super delegates. Or at least 42 total. There were something like 197 superdelegates left.


And Hillary is STILL running. She could win both states today, get 150 super delegates, and NOT win. Why is she still in this? This has gone from an "I won't give up" attitude to "I'm blind to reason and what I say goes no matter what" attitude. Is that what we want in a President? Let me take this one...no.

"But Rance, why is she like Darren Tyacke?"

Because, even though the facts are right in front of her, she is denying them. There was even a breaking story today:

"Officials of Hillary Clinton's campaign say she will concede tonight that Barack Obama has the delegates to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination."

...followed immediately by:

"Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman denies an AP report Clinton is ready to concede the Democratic nomination tonight."

"But Rance...Darren?"

Oh yeah. So, in 8th grade I was hangin' out with this guy named Darren Tyacke. I think on this particular day it was myself, Scott Minor, Mike Ruff, Darren, and Darren's sister Stacey all getting ready to play some good ole fashioned D&D at Darren's house. We were listening to the radio and this song "I Wanna Be A Cowboy" came on. You may know it. "I wanna be a cowboy. And you can be my cowgirl." Do you?

The final or near final line of the song is "My name is Ted, and one day I'll be dead. Yo yo yo." Very clearly that is what the line is. It is easy for everyone to hear and know...except Darren thought it was Tex instead of Ted. I told him it was Ted. He said no. I couldn't believe it! So I did the only thing an 8th grader can do in that situation...I called the radio station.

After a while we got through and he was on the other phone while I talked. "You know that cowboy song you just played? Does he say 'Ted' or 'Tex' in the end?" The nice lady DJ said "Ted" to which Darren hung up the phone and said "NOPE! It's Tex."


Even though the answer is right in front of her, it's not the answer she wants.

At this point, for me at least, the worst thing Obama could do is make Hillary is running mate. It could probably seal the deal, but I can only imagine what crafty things she'd be doing as a VP to try to control things.

Give up! Honor, anyone?


Tony Rizzutto said...

it ain't over until it's over. And I'm not for any of them so it don't matter. If McCain wins, some judge will just say it's unconstitutional and throw it out. Amazing how one person obliterates the votes of thousands. But in my opinion, if Barack picks Hillary for VP then she'll be Pres a week after swearing in.

Anonymous said...

Oh my my dear Rance... how could you post such inaccurate information? Hmmm what a perfect example of a democratic post. Flashy, catchy, inflammatory use of innacurate facts, the list goes on and on... so sad my friend!

For the record, it was 7th grade when that occured! And Mike wasnt present, he came about 2 hours later on his red ten speed and joined in the laugh after the fact. I (Darrin) did conceed it was "Ted" with a laugh at the end and as I recall, I even gave you an extra roll on the hitdice with the next fireball you cast to compensate haha! And for about 3 weeks at school... we got a chuckle out of me continuing to say "Tex" just to get a rise out of ya... Yo yo yo! Dude... you gotta let it go! Don't get me started on all the funny Rance stories for your attentive viewers here! :)

And to think I once passed up going on a date with Danielle to come over and hang with you at your house and play and 20 years later you'd be comparing me to Hillary! Rance Rance Rance... what happened to Fowler Falcon Honor my friend?

In the future, if you're going to compare me to such indignant figures in American politics, please at least tell the whole story with full context (before and after) the events... not just the part that makes the CNN 4 second sound bit.

Honor and integrity = doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking. So far, I've not seen that from any political candidate to date... on either side of the aisle. But from my photo snapping friend from the past, surely your Falcon pride (otherwise you'll have to scrub the emblem in the commons with a toothbrush haha!), wouln't have you slandering a lad from the past in such an unfair manner?

It's sad... I lose a little more faith in humanity when reading such things out of the blue! It was a funny story though, and it's not my fault that the radio station had the lyrics wrong too!


Cheers Rance man... you're looking good!

I'll await the retraction anxiously ;)

Blast from the past... D T