Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun Times in Days Gone By

So...long story short...there is a group on called the "I Hate Rance Rizzutto Fan Club." It started as a joke and then I threatened to actually start the group myself so I could be the president, but the CSz stage manager, Jen, beat me to the punch.

It has 23 members so far. There have been fun posts about how mean I am...mostly in jest. And then Tamara posted one about how I stole her hat (she left it in the theater) when she went to Europe, sent it to L.A., and wrote a blog as her hat, and secretly returned the hat in a White Elephant xmas party without letting her know who had it.

She knows now...and has for awhile. But it reminded me of the fun I had arranging that. She even had the address to the blog. Enjoy.


Tno said...

The Portland headshot artist made me think it was you for a little while... but then you framed so many people. Ben came up to me at random- i barely knew ben- and said sam had it...and from there I totally had you, ben, sam, and Matt Keene on my list of suspects ... ...then you started posting as the Hat on the DSI board, so I ruled out Matt Keene (but not ben... I never trusted ben). I even tried to get posters ISP #'s from Zack to figure out who posted... he didn't reply so I resorted to harassing people in person (sam) and by email (ben) i think Ben and Sam hated me for a while...

It was pretty great...

I mean... Rance is and asshole.

Tony Rizzutto said...

hate begats hate, even in jest. Scripture says "love thine enemy" and dump hot coals on his head. Romans 12:20 Hot oil will do if there are no coals.