Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nice Try, Thief.

My mom was pestering me to blog. I thought "nothing new has happened." I was wrong. A few days ago I was checking my credit card online to see when my payment was do and check on a balance transfer I had put through on a new card. I was denied access and told to call customer support.

My credit card had been fraud. I still have the card, so it was something online.

They asked me about a few charges and I had no idea. Luckily I rarely use the card so it was easy for me to know I wasn't using it. One such thing was a purchase made to Sirius Radio. That's right. Someone used my card to purchase satelite radio.

Who ever did this is either a) an idiot, b) living in or near my apartment complex, or c) both. Yesterday I received a package...a Sirius radio. The one I didn't order. It CAME TO ME! What idiot thief buys you stuff with your own card? Am I not rich and not poor? Is there some bizarre Robinhood that steals from you and gives back to you?

The only thing I could figure (with my mystery solving skills) is that someone in the building got into my computer via wireless somehow. Why else would they not bother changing the delivery address. If they see packages waiting in the entry way waiting for me from the place they ordered/stole from then they can just take it.

I have a vengeance streak. I need to get people back. It is rare that I have any serious reason to get people back, but it is there. If I can't pay it back I'll pay it forward. Watch out, evildoers.

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