Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"My Dad is Different" by Rance Rizzutto

On Father's Day it's kind of hard
To find a gift or perfect card
My Dad is Different

He don't play golf (not that I've seen)
Though he planned making our yard a putting green
My Dad is Different

I recall one time (or two? Not clear)
That I've ever seen him drink a beer
My Dad is Different

No ties, no cuffs, no power suits
He carves wood while wearing comfy boots
My Dad is Different

He'll make his famous pizza bread
Sing Italian (sounding) songs that come to his head
My Dad is Different

I'm glad he doesn't match the hype
Or fit the normal stereotype
I'm Glad he's Different

(Happy Father's Day)


Tony Rizzutto said...

thanks, son, that was touching. one never knows how their kids really think. I love ya - Dad

tara d. said...

that was really awesome. happy father's day, rance's dad!