Thursday, June 08, 2006

Of Singing and Cinging

For the past month or so...while I've been back in town and done with the teaching gigs, I've been part of an improv group called ACE. What do we do? Well, three of the last 6 Sundays we did an improv set. The other three we did a staged reading of "Guys and Dolls", with music. It was a blast. I was Benny Southstreet.

I had never seen Guys and Dolls before. We got a CD to listen to when we first met. As I listened to it I thought "This is going to suck". The music was okay, but there were a lot of boring songs. Luckily, as we got more familiar with our roles and what not, it started to be fun. Once we got it on stage, it was a blast! Last Sunday was our last Guys and Dolls show. We're taking July off and we'll be back in August with something...maybe Bye Bye Birdie...maybe not. We were talking about doing School House Rock, but it looks like that won't show up until I'm in Maine.

Totally unrelated, our (Deanna and I) phones have been getting really crappy service in our apartment for the past couple months. Deanna looked into it and found out it is because we were AT&T and that got transferred over to Cingular. We didn't necessarily get transferred to Cingular service, we still had our plans, and our phone still use the AT&T towers, it's just handled by Cingular. Well, Deanna found out that they are slowly taking down the AT&T towers. The only people using them are people who haven't "migrated" to new plans. Add to that that my phone is falling apart. TIME TO PHONE SHOP! Deanna will probably switch to T-mobile. I am still undecided. I would like to get a pocket PC so I can connect my GPS (see earlier post) to it on the road.

I also bought a 580EX flash for my camera. I understand my camera fully. I understand my headshot lights. I have never liked the look from a mounted flash. So, I'm taking an online course that looks great. If nothing else, it will help me like using a flash when needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just got the sony w600i, it doubles as a walkman and video camera. it's from cingular, i don't know if it's exactly what you are looking for, but its a fun thang to play with.