Friday, June 09, 2006


Like I said...Sun screen (it wouldn't let me post more photos). This is Emily teaching us about Dance Pilates. There was a lot of frisbee, sitting around, and sleeping at the beach. It was a nice day. Sunny, but not too warm. I mention sun screen because we all put it on, but a majority of us didn't do it well. My ankles and a small part of my foot got burnt. And I SWORE I would never burn my feet again after a terrible sun burn on my feet a couple years ago.

Ed got burnt, I'm sure some others did too. After hanging out awhile Deanna said she'd go back to the cabin and make sandwiches and bring them back to the beach. Monty went with. About 20 minutes after that, Ed and Susi said they were going to leave and I felt the beach trip diffusing so I said I'd go with them and hope to catch Deanna. We did...right as she was coming down the steps...with sandwiches. So everyone but Ed and Susi stayed a while longer.

Oh, most of the guys were playing frisbee in the water. This is funny for three reasons. 1) Ed had his car keys with alarm in his pocket and they got soaked (I assume they still worked). 2) Later in the afternoon Chris picked up Todd from a train station and met us at the beach. When Todd got in the water he had his phone on him. and 3) Playing frisbee in the water literally tore open the side of Jim's shorts. And then when he went back to play again, it tore open the other side.

That night we ate played games out in the front area like track ball and horse shoes. I don't play horse shoes much, but I played a little out here. I took a picture of one lucky round. I couldn't believe I threw a double ringer. You can call me Roger Miller if you drink tea.

That was the beef trip. Good times. Well done, Beef. Katie, Bill, were missed...that's why we called you doing terrible bits.

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