Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Short Version

Thanks to everyone hoping I'd live. Of 24 people who started, I managed to take out 5 of them before receiving a very sneaky letter bomb while on a job in Arizona. It wasn't expected at all and very well played.

The game had recently come down to 5 who was very paranoid and good at the game (the one who got me in Arizona), one who was my ally (you got one alliance), and three who weren't really playing and just happened to be lined up in order of who needed to get who...borrrrrrring.

It is now down to my old ally and one of the do-nothings.

In other news, I had a nasty virus on my computer that I got the Friday after Thanksgiving and I am just today getting back to normal. I had to do a complete reinstall and my backup discs were faulty so I had to wait until I received my back up set from the manufacturer (they arrived today).

I'm almost back to full capacity. Luckily, because of my photography, I have an external hard drive and was able to get everything important over onto it.

More as it happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nooo rance! you died too soon. i'm soo sorry. good luck to your ally. also good luck with your computer.