Wednesday, August 16, 2006

And the winner is...

Last night was the Chicago ComedySportz banquet. We have this once a year to basically hang out as an ensemble, eat a nice meal, dress fancy, watch bits, and have "Howie Awards".

The Howie awards are just a fun way to recognize people. There are many different categories. The ones I can remember are Best Ref, Best 5 Things Player, MVP, Best Sound, Best Music, Best Mime, Rookie of the Year, Best Captain, Most Supportive Player. There might be a couple I'm forgetting.

Some people hate awards...and that 'some people' is Katie Nahnsen. But she's not in CSz, so it's ok. I think these awards are great because CSz is a pretty tight family, and very supportive. Usually when someone wins, there are no hard feelings even if you were nominated for a category.

This year has been my big year of reffing. I just started reffing shortly before the last banquet. I've really been comfortable reffing and throwing out bits to the captains and driving the energy of the audience when they need it. Well, I was awarded for that. Best Referee. Thanks to everyone who voted...I am honored.

I also won the award for Best 5 Things. If you don't know what 5 Things is, come see a CSz show like Sammy Tamimi recently did. It's a game I love. It's a game we play in every show. I just play it hard, fast, and most of all...fresh. It is mime and gibberish based where you give clues to a person who has no idea what the things are. Sometimes you get suggestions so many times that a shorthand version of miming happens. I try to keep it fresh and give new versions of clues to people.

The coolest thing about the trophy for Best 5 Things is that the engraver was doing a rush job and my award says "THINGS". I have a trophy for THINGS!

Thanks CSz. I love you guys.


Tony Rizzutto said...

I remember when I first saw you complete 5 things and I was shocked. I also remember I gotcha with "tomato". Great going! - Dad

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love the 'THINGS' award. It's perfect that way. Yes, you are really great! - Mom

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