Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Good. Thought So.

So, like I thought, the storm didn't really effect us...as far as being at sea with huge waves. Why? because we dodged it. All of the rough stuff was happening on the north side of the islands. 60 foot waves. Some sources said the worst since '84, some since '69.

What this DID mean is that we did some shuffling around. We did an overnight in Honolulu which gave us the opportunity to go do a show at Laughtrack Theater. Fun time there.

Our normal first port that we visit is Kahului in Maui. This is on the northside of the island so we have been working around it. Currently we're doing all of our ports in reverse and will be in them all for the exact amount of time we normally would (except for Kahului, which will be one day).

So, we're not sailing through the perfect storm, we're avoiding it.

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