Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Home Run

So, I'm in Portland! This weekend will be the ComedySportz National (World?) Tournament. It happens every year and each year in a different city. Last time it was in Portland was 1999...about a month or two before I started playing for Portland. Now we're back and I will be reffing the first Friday show and playing for Chicago in the second friday show (see www.portlandcomedy.com for more info).

This week is going to be super busy with ComedySportz stuff, headshots, and sadly...a funeral. I'm just glad that it worked out that I was in town for the funeral because I wouldn't have been able to make it otherwise.

If you live in Portland and you know me, come see the Friday night show!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you. we'll be there. Love, mom