Wednesday, July 09, 2008

CSz Banquet

Originally uploaded by Rance Rizzutto Photography
Tonight was the ComedySportz Banquet. This happens every year...except when we're trying to find and build a new space. So, it didn't happen in '07.

In 2006 I won trophies for Best Ref and Things (5 Things...but the trophy said "Things"...I won for Things!).

I think I'm a pretty good ref. If you read Eric's blog he thinks he is too. I'm sure everyone up for everything thought they were good at what they were nominated for. For whatever reason, ref was more important to me than any of the others. I feel like I've come a long way with reffing and like doing it.

Today Matt (the artistic director) txts me and asks if I'll present the awards for these since I won them at the previous banquet. I txt back "Sure. So I guess I didn't win them, huh?" or something along those lines. He says "Yeah. Better luck next year." It bummed me out just a little...but there was still a part of me that suspected a prank.

Well, turns out it was a prank. I didn't pick up 5 Things, but I did walk away with Best Ref, Best Object Work, and Best Captain. Sam Super got 5 Things, Most Supportive, and MVP. By my count that is 6 trophies for the Oregon boys. Way to go, northwest!

The categories were (and I'll probably forget some) the ones named above plus Best Genre Work, Best Attitude, Best Gibberish, Best Sound (Mr. Voice), Best Customization Use, and Best Music. Maybe I missed one or two.

If you win a trophy three years in a row it is named after you until someone else does the same. I was pushing for ref to get named after me since I held the last trophy for two years (since there wasn't a banquet in '07). It is currently the Kyle Kissier Best Ref Award. I have no idea who that is.

Click on the link by the photo to see more banquet photos...and if they aren't there currently, they'll be up in a few days.


Tony Rizzutto said...

WAY2GO SON!! You ARE a great Ref. Not afraid to use the Brown Bag (boo) The first time I saw you do 5things and GET all 5 things, I was blown away. My claim to fame though is I stumped you with "tomato". Congrats - Dad

Lindberg said...

Yeah, but I'm better. I know you'd agree if you saw me Mr. Rizzutto.


Naw, it's fine. I'm over it. Really I am over it.
