Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fall is HERE!..Farewell, Fall!

Sometimes people joke that fall and spring last a month in chicago...and that winter and summer last 5 months. Well, today it is snowing.

Not heavy downfall, mass accumulation snow. But it is out there, falling from the sky. It is similar to the snow I saw the first time I came out here in April 2002...that's right, April. The snow would constantly be falling, but it would never accumulate on the ground at all. It would just disappear. It was the coolest snow I had seen. And it is back.

Some of you may remember my trip to San Francisco last year. I bought a $20 faux flight jacket kind of thing at a Walgreens. It has a velcro patch that says "cargozone" ('cargo zone' for all of you who want to try and force it to become an Italian word). And by velcro, I mean you can tear the patch off and replace it with another (I haven't found any other velcro patches yet).

This jacket is by far the best purchase I have made. It was cheap. It is light weight. It is warm.

Speaking of cheap. Marshall Field's had their 13 hour sale on Saturday, and I was there with some other people handing out fliers for the event. Rich Prouty, Sam Super and I went to take advantage of the coupons for 20% of one clearance item. Rich has an excellent bargain sense. I've hit up two of these Field's sales with him now and both times I have gotten excellent deals, and he comes away with nothing. Last time I got a cool show shirt for $20. This time Rich found a shirt and said "11 bucks! Aww, it's too big." Not for me it wasn't...and not for Sam. I got two shirts, Sam got one, Rich...none. I've been banned from bargain shopping with Rich.


Anonymous said...

god damn! you guys got snow before MDI! NOT COOOOL. NO. Rance GREAT NEWS! I went to the midnight show of HARRY POTTER last night and wore the invisibilty cloak. It was awesome, i didnt even have to pay. Actually I DID HAVE TO PAY! OH GOD!


Rich said...

I hope you're enjoying your shirts, Rizzutto. I hope you're enjoying them.

BD said...


This is apropos of nothing, but I wanted to let you and Deanna know that the new Ballroom Dancer looks a little bit like Deanna. I will try to discreetly take a picture of her or find her picture on the web for you guys.
