Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hey, it's money.

Some people in the non-acting world may not have any idea of what actors actually do to make money. Unless we're blessed, we don't get every commercial out there. I have yet to get any commercials while out here. But I have done "corporate" and "promotions". Corporate is a gig for a corporation of some party, Q4 jamboree, what have you. Promotions usually envolves plugging something going on somewhere...handing out fliers and what not. It's not always the most enjoyable process, but luckily they hire actors who can act like it's a blast.

I happen to love doing them because the pay is pretty good and the shifts are usually no longer than 2 hours. This last week I did five of these for a major department store in Chicago (I don't want to say the name...think "Law Enforcement Title" and "'_____ of Dreams' s").

I was supposed to be on a 6th that got modified last minute. They had a huge gala event and I was to dress as a glam rocker and give guests their glam rock name. I would have looked like this:

Well, they did the same event in another state earlier the week before and the head dudes didn't like the rock guys. We were replaced by women, as the rest of the roles for the night were glammed up women. No sweat here, but that costume was hilarious.


tara d. said...

man, i rented that costume with you fs! i'm glad i saw it in person. it ruled. also, wear that wig more, in general.

tara d. said...

also, you can't tell here, but rance "faux-Rod-Stewart" is towering at about 9'3".

Anonymous said...

That'samyBoy! Looking Good! Surprised they didn't have you dress drag so you could still be part of the act. Didn't catch the dreams thing - Street of Dreams? - Dad

Rance Rizzutto said...

Field, dad...Field of Dreams

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast and a half. I can't wait 'til I get to Chi City. Getting paid to dress like a rocker sounds like tops for me. Can't effing wait.
