Thursday, May 04, 2006

Back on the Road

Same company, different training. This time I'm in Detroit, MI.

I get the strange feeling you're asking yourself, "But Rance, what do you on the road?"

It is pretty simple and usually involves TV. I like to go out and explore if I have a day free, but I don't...and these trainings can be draining. So, my week usually includes watching shows I don't normally watch on Amazing Race, Wheel of Fortune, and last night...Myth Busters.

Since I'm doing 5 trainings a day, I get home around 6:00 and I'm tired of standing so I order food or get food and then TV! Kind of boring.


Today while waiting for my Honey BBQ Steak to go from Chili's I went across the street to Comp USA. While killing time there I found Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 with GPS Locator. WITH GPS LOCATOR!!!

Add to that there was a $40 rebate and you have awesome.

I have a laptop that is now a GPS locator with voice driving directions. I just tried it out and it works. It will be extra handy for any future gigs, and for when Deanna and I drive to Maine this Summer.

Thank you, technology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray for driving to maine! i can't wait. what weeks will you be here?

OH and was the Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 with GPS Locator a program, or a laptop?