Friday, April 07, 2006

Of Blasting and Stupidity

As promised...your's truly, destroying the evil Zorg.

Something that has been bugging me lately is the general stupidity of the population. In specific...ignorance...I think.

Here's what I'm talking about. I'm in at least two airports twice a week when I'm on these gigs. If the airport has a moving walkway, there is a voice saying "Caution, you are about to get on a moving walkway" at the beginning and "Caution, the moving walkway is ending" at the end.

Are we that dumb? C'mon people. Use your brains. You see a part of the floor is moving. If you pay attention, then you'll do just fine. But there are the idiots out there (case in point, grandmother on AFV who is standing backwards on the walkway and smiling at the camera, and then the walkway ends and she falls over) who don't. And quite possibly, these same idiot take it to court to be rewarded for their stupidity. I can only imagine that is the case or the airports and other businesses with other warnings would go to all the trouble to put obvious warnings on things.

If you can't tell that a toy that has small parts could be a choking hazzard for your one year old, you don't deserve to be a parent. You failed...failer.

This kind of ties into my trainings I've been doing. One of the first things they do is fill out a little form with some info for a fun activity. This week, hardly anyone brought a pen. I ask "do you have a pen?" and the reply is "nobody told me I would need a pen." Time to make some assumptions, America. I'm going to go somewhere to learn...I might need to write something.

So, there. Stupidity. Stupidity and indecisiveness drive me crazy. I may do some stupid things sometimes, but I'm decisive and informed when I do it.


Anonymous said...

you need to listen to Bill Envall's "Here's Your Sign" - hilarious!

"Did you know on a tube of Preparation-H it says do not take this oraly? that's sad isn't it? Cuz you know somebody wrote them a letter, "Dear Preparation H, I ate this whole dang tube and I still got these hemoroids. My mouth's so small, I can't eat a jellybean anymore, but I can whistle really good."

Anonymous said...

stupidity is a growing concern with me also. i can't go a day without hearing a new ignorant thing more stupid than the last. it's a damn shame.

AND. i don't suggest bill engvall. or jeff foxworthy. or any of those blue collar people. they give states like maine a bad rep. anyway. i enjoy that pic. totes loves. you look determined. 1 day til chicago! i leave for boston in a couple hours.