Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hi-ho the derry-o. Spring is finally here.

Tomorrow morning I will be dressing up as a bumble bee. If you know me, you know I've also been: Willy Wonka, Prince Charming, a farmer, and a reindeer. Tomorrow...a bumble bee. I'll be hanging out with a Pixie and the Easter Bunny.

How else do I know Spring is here? ANTS!

I hate ants! HATE!

If you ever want me to destroy another human, cover them in ants. Ants trigger something in me that instantly says "destroy". Thank you, RAID. Although your "Kills on Contact" spray is lacking a little as I watch ants walk around after they're sprayed.

Also Deanna has killed 4 spiders this week. The bugs they are a-thawing.


Anonymous said...

Hi! We're having some kind of weird ant thing on our dining room window. Yesterday there were a couple and now today there were like 30 on the window.....all different kinds flying, crawling, little and big. We FREAKED OUT and killed all of them and now we're going go buy super poison to deal with once and for all. Boo to Ants!

J & L

Anonymous said...

ants in the pants? say WHAAAAAT?