Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Man In Maine Fall Mainly On His Butt

How's that for a's actually more of a headline because it sums up today quite well.

We are moved. Major step #1 in the "going on the ships" process. Our stuff is in storage. The apartment is clean. We have a place to stay. We're staying with friends and left aside an assortment of "essentials" (crap we thought we would need, but we probably don't) to bring to their place.

Because of our schedules for the next 6 weeks it will be rare that all four of us are living there at the same time. Neither of them were there when we moved in. One major thing that needed to happen was putting some of our stuff in their storage area. Minor glitch...we didn't know where it was, and I had a 10:30 Baby show that night. We came home to a hide-a-bed couch all made up with a note saying we were "effin' crazy" if we didn't just sleep there and store the stuff in the morning. So we did just that.

In the morning I took a small load of stuff down on a hunt for the storage. Found it, checked out the remaining space, then went up stairs for one more load...a plastic tub with office equipment, and my PC. The final elements of our move. As I was walking down the stairs, Deanna said "Be careful!" To which I replied "Relax. I've got this." Not one step later did it appear that I was on a flat area, but there was one step left. I bit it...but not as hard as my PC. It rolled down the remaining stairs as I was crumpled oddly on the remaining stair that I didn't see. I'm mildly injured...just sore really.

I'm writing on my laptop right now...not because my PC died in the fall (I haven't checked it yet) but because I left for the airport this morning. I then arrived in Manchester and drove from there to Maine to play in the 10pm show there. I'll be here for two weeks.

Summary verified.

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